The Episcopal Musician’s Handbook

69th Edition, Lectionary Year A, 2025-2026

The Spiral Bound Episcopal Musician’s Handbook is the essential tool for assisting clergy, musicians and laity in preparing meaningful worship in the Anglican tradition. Get a single copy of the 69th Edition for $59, or order multiple copies at a discount. Ships in July 2025.

Available for U.S. delivery addresses only. All prices are USD and including shipping and handling. For Canadian or international delivery, contact customer service.

69th Edition, Lectionary Year A, 2025-2026
Episcopal Musician’s Handbook:
Copies 0 Unit Price
1 Year
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1 copy 1 $59.00    
2 to 3 copies 2 $55.00 $4.00 7%
4 to 5 copies 3 $49.00 $10.00 17%

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The Missa Brevis is a beautiful and singable Mass setting for congregation and organ/piano for any season of the year. You will receive a download link in your order acknowledgement for the Missa Brevis Mass PDF.

Pastoral Ministrations of the Priest, Second Edition is a leather-bound handbook for anyone undertaking liturgical pastoral ministry. Available for pre-order only. Ships in May 2025.

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